How UJB Assisted During the Pandemic

The Pandemic was a hard time for us all. Several ABC stores across the state were understaffed due to COVID restrictions and needed help delivering and unloading packages. Several United Johnson Brothers employees answered this call for help and personally delivered and unloaded trucks at multiple ABC store locations across the state.

ABC #58

UJB employees deliver and unload packages at ABC store number 58.

ABC #15

UJB delivers several boxes of Jack Daniel’s and Gentleman Jack to ABC store number 15 during COVID.

A truck bed full of packages is delivered to an ABC store.

An UJB employee carries a box of Woodford Reserve into an ABC store.

ABC #14

An UJB employee delivers a box of Old Forester to ABC store number 14.

ABC #153

UJB employees deliver and unload a truckload of packages to ABC store number 153

ABC #186

An UJB employee stands in front of several packages after delivering and unloading them to ABC store number 186.